Creating Synergy 2019
Drugs and Young People — Care • Collaboration • Compassion
Pre-Conference 5 June
Conference 6 - 7 June
Novotel Wollongong
Conference objectives:
- To explore best practice in addressing alcohol and other drug use among young people in NSW
- To update participants’ knowledge in key areas of policy, research and practice within the field
- To strengthen networks and partnerships among those seeking to lessen the harms associated with Drug and Alcohol use among young people
- To showcase successful strategies and approaches in working with young people dealing with Drug and Alcohol issues.
Creating Synergy 2019 will highlight the range of innovative work in prevention, early intervention, treatment and health promotion currently being carried out by the health, welfare and education sectors targeting young people who use alcohol and other drugs.
The conference will showcase evidence-based best practice when working with young people. It will present updates on research and policy that underpin the work of alcohol and other drug clinicians, outreach workers, treatment officers, peer workers treatment concerned with minimising the harms of alcohol and other drug use among young people in our communities.
Creating Synergy will provide participants with information on support options, targeted services and the variety of treatment facilities in NSW. Importantly, it will seek to provide a forum in which we can share and explore the insights and experiences of families, peers and workers.
In addition to plenary sessions the conference will provide workshops and presentations in three concurrent streams
Stream A: Evidence-based practice
Stream B: Promoting health, wellbeing and growth
Stream C: Effective ways of working with young people, their families and peers.
Creating Synergy 2019 Pre-Conference Workshops 5 June
Creating Synergy 2019 will also host two concurrent full day Pre-Conference Workshops
Workshop A
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and the Thriving Adolescent.
Facilitated by:
Professor Joseph Ciarrochi, Professor at the Instititute for Positive Psychology and Education at the Autralian Catholic University and Author of the book “The Thriving Adolescent: Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Positive Psychology to Help Teens Manange Emotions, Achieve Goals and Build Connection”.
Workshop B
Creating Collaboration for Change.
Facilitated by:
Dr Coralie Wales, Manager Community and Consumer Partnerships, Western Sydney Local Health District (WS LHD)
Dr Kia Wallwork, Director Program Management Office, Redesign & Innovation ISLHD
Kerrie O’Leary Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Heath District (ISLHD) Healthcare Redesign Lead
You can find more detail at the Pre-Conference Workshop page.
Additional Evening Session offered 6 June, for more information here
Who should attend Creating Synergy 2019?
This conference is for you if you have contact with young people who use drugs.
- Counsellors, psychologists & social workers
- Doctors and Nurses
- Youth & Family Workers
- Drug & Alcohol, Mental Health & Peer Support Workers
- Educators, Health Promotion and Primary Healthcare Workers
- Researchers
- Community Drug Action Teams
- Local Drug Action Team Members
- Health Service Managers
- Family, carers and partners of young people who use drugs